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14/03/2023 | Gardening, Inspiration

Elegance, discretion, candor. Let’s talk about Spathiphyllum, a plant that many people love at home because it fills every place and it immediately gives great harmony.
Its botanical name is Spathiphyllum 👉it belongs to the Araceae family and has large and green leaves with a pointed shape. The plant has no flowers but white bracts called spathes and it has no stem.
The Spathiphyllum is loved by everyone (or almost everyone) also because it’s extremely easy to take care of this plant. 😉
Small tricks are enough and the plant grows healthy and in the fullest of its beauty!

Characteristics of the Spathiphyllum:
This plant likes bright environments, but not direct sunlight. For this reason, the suggestion is to place it, for example, next to a window where the sun rays are not direct or where there is a curtain.
The Spathiphyllum is a tropical plant and thus, it loves warm, humid environments and needs little water! In winter we suggest you to water it about once a week and to increase irrigation during the warm months (always pay attention to water stagnation).
#PlastecnicTips 🌱 Let’s regularly spray the leaves with fresh water in order to maintain the humid environment and improve the growth conditions of the plant itself.

Spathiphyllum is a plant that is much appreciated today also because it is considered an excellent environmental purifier.
Specifically, compared to other plants that perform a purifying function for the environment in which they live, the Spathiphyllum is capable of absorbing many more harmful substances, including formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene.
This is a very passionate topic and in fact we talked about it here in detail 🫶🏻

Curiosity of the Spathiphyllum:
The name of the Spathiphyllum derives from the Greek “spatha” and “phyllon”, or “sword-shaped leaves”. In English this plant is also known by the suggestive name of “lily of peace”.
The Spathiphyllum is known as a gift plant and it means esteem, respect, sincerity and the will to protect the person to whom it is given. In Costa Rica it is given as a gift to pregnant women, because it is considered auspicious and able to defend against pain.

The Spathiphyllum can be considered the king plant of every home, a faithful green plant that gives beauty and well-being in every sense. A plant that we see very well in one of our new Leaf Mood pots 🌱

If you like this plant, don’t miss our latest reel!



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