Violets and Primroses 🌸 Who said we have to give up choosing colors in winter time? 😁
👉 Violets and primroses are loved by everyone and you can find them everywhere!
You can plant them in October and throughout the winter they give color and beauty until the new season arrives.
Primroses and violets 🌸 Two plants that are giving color to your gardens and flats, and furthermore they are easy to grow!
Primroses are herbaceous ornamental plants with colorful flowers. Their petals present shades that are ranging from red to yellow, they are generally five and they resemble a small rose. Their roots are many and they have a whitish color.
These plants are part of the Primroses family where we can find more than 500 species which can be grown both in flats but also in your garden.
Primroses should be watered abundantly but be careful () we have always to avoid water stagnation because it is not healthy for them.
Note 👉 The primrose is a plant that can be easily grown in a pot (Plastecnic!). Just remember to place it in a correct location! Let’s place it in the sun during blooming time, then move it to the shade in the summer months. We must not forget that it is a flower that withstands the cold very well, but it has problems when the temperatures are too high. Primroses in pot require more water, but pay always attention to avoid stagnation. We should repot every two years, up to a maximum container size with a diameter of 15 centimeters. In order to get a long-lasting flowering, it is good practice to remove the withered flowers.
They are beautiful to see, beautiful to give as gift 🌟 because primroses bring positive meanings and deep values with them such as love and good luck.
Violets belong to the Violets family, bloom throughout the winter and are the ideal choice for those who want to see their garden, balcony or terrace always blooming.
It is a plant with a delicious scent, the violet has bright green oval or heart-shaped leaves and five petals. All species of violets flower in spring and they usually stop in the summer season because they start producing seeds for the following spring.
Violets like sun, but they don’t like excessive heat. They are grown in humid soil such as peat-based potting soil.
Let’s water them regularly but without exceeding.
Any other suggestion? Be careful where you are placing them! Try to choose a sunny position if sown in autumn or in partial shade if sown in spring. Their root system does not require depth, therefore low bowls or small balcony boxes can also be used …. They are perfect for example on your windowsills.
In the language of flowers, violets mean depth of feeling and shyness.
Not only that … violets are also part of the history as they have “colored” even the heart of Napoleon who was a historic lover of violets, probably because his first wife Josephine Beauharnais gave him a bunch of them on their first date.
Two plants, violets and primroses, which we often see in this period.
Plants that warm the mood even in the coldest and harshest winters.
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Clearly for the right pots we are spoilt for choice 👉 pots that we will choose according to the right location where we’ll place them 😊