Home 9 Green Wellness 9 Plants in the office

Plants in the office

11/11/2021 | Green Wellness

Everyone is back at his workplace 😎
That’s right, after 2 years of lock-down (first totally and then partially) we are back in the office. Almost all of us have left our jackets and slippers at home and we are officially back in our offices.

And what about you?

Our return to the office, in safety conditions of course, has been  almost exciting.
The feeling has been a bit like that one of the first day of the school, although even in the most difficult periods of the lock down we have always seen each other on video calls, chats and so on….
Let’s talk about this return today because, we would like to share some suggestions regarding the working environment with you too.

👉 Plants (and pots) in the office 🌱

After having learned to decorate our domestic spaces with plants and pots, we think about our offices now. Thus, plants are also like a piece of furniture in the office as well as in our homes.
Plants and pots immediately give a more welcoming atmosphere, even in the working place, improving not only the environment but also the mood of the people. The office, on the other hand, is the place where we spend most of our time of the day and for this reason it is important to feel good!
Several studies have also been carried out on this topic and the result shows that enriching the work environment with plants and pots increases the well-being and concentration of employees.

So, which plants are we suggesting you for your offices?

Before making any choice, it is always good to consider where we are going to place the plants, the exposure of light and the need for water!

Office plants can be placed on your desk, if small / medium in size, but also in the corridor or in common areas such as break rooms or meeting rooms.

The ideal is to choose plants that do not require great care and that adapt easily even in environments that are often not very bright and poorly ventilated. 

The most common plants for your offices are:

1. Cactus: they are, perfect in the pots of the Oltrevaso Collection, these plants are ideal because they don’t need a lot of water, excessive care and continuous exposure to the sunlight.

2. Ficus Benjamin is a tall plant that immediately gives an exotic touch. Pay attention to the pot in which we plant the Ficus. It is important that there is no stagnation of water to prevent the roots from rotting. For this reason, an ideal pot would be the classic line 😍
Remember also that the Ficus plant must also be placed away from draughts and away from direct sunlight.

3. Lemon balm 🌟 is perfect on the desk, it is a small plant but highly appreciated not only for its positive effect on the well-being of those who work in the office but also for its delicate scent.
Lemon balm is an antioxidant plant and therefore it acts against the action of elements that can cause damage of various kinds. Be careful to remember that the lemon balm plant prefers a humid and water-rich environment. Better to avoid places that are too hot and dry, near heaters or radiators.
In this case we suggest you to use the pots and bowls of the Mood line!

4. And then we suggest you the sansevieria 👉 a very decorative and harmonious plant.
Even the sansevieria does not require great care and is always beautiful: especially in a Naturalia Pot!

5. Another beloved plant, for its beauty and properties, is the dracena which is also more commonly called lucky bamboo. One of its best-known properties is to reduce the presence of harmful substances, such as benzene, from the office air. In this way, we will have the opportunity to breathe much cleaner air. The dracena is perfect in a Quadro Rigato Pot from the Decor Collection 😁
ps. Do we all know that there are plants that help to purify the air? We have talked about it here!



And what about you? Which plant have you chosen for your office? 😁


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