Here in our blog we have discussed about this topic many times, highlighting how bigger has become the interest for gardening and for plants care.
More and more people also like creating vegetable gardens!
Reasons are more or less always the same and if you want to learn more about it, please read this article in our blog.
If we are talking about vegetable gardens, however, there is a lot to discover and to learn … let’s see together the reasons for that 😁
The vegetable garden is a real natural solution against stress. The need to create one of them is to keep a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.
It is a trend that, however, has to face our habits in everyday life…
What does it mean?
It means that not everyone has large spaces at home and when we talk about a vegetable garden, we are thinking of gardens, terraces and more or less large environments.
Actually we have to forget this idea (now outdated) as it is possible, even in small spaces, to create successful green corners.
So… everyone is able to have a vegetable garden 😁
Here are some suggestions!
1.Let’s choose the right place!
We suggest a direct exposure to the sun for a vegetable garden. Almost all horticultural species love the sun! Of course, some plants need light more than the others such as tomatoes, aubergines, peppers and also some aromatic plants such as basil.
If you are starting now, you can start growing short- life cycle vegetables or aromatic herbs. In fact, these are resistant, they can grow in small spaces and they are generally perennial (but we will talk about them later 😎) If you love flowers instead, we suggest you to choose vegetables and fruits that bloom or that are decorative, such as chilly or strawberries.
Important notice 👉 In order to grow well, plants must have their own living space. So do not grow plants or herbs too close each other, but always try to keep some centimeters distance between them. And if you have other doubts, remember to ask for advice to your trusted garden specialist.
2. When we are talking about vegetable gardens, the choice of plants of the right pot are very important choices!
Depending on the space availability, you can decide for many different solutions. From the pots to bigger planters up to special solutions for “vertical gardens”. The important thing is that they must have holes for the outflow of water and that the size of the pot should be suitable for the plants we have to grow. Roots need the right space to grow and we can suggest you as follows:
• Small pots are ideal for aromatic plants (such as basil, parsley, sage, chives),
• Medium-sized pots are good for salads, garlic, onions and fennel.
• The larger ones, on the other hand, are suitable for the cultivation of peppers, tomatoes, aubergines, sweet potatoes, cucumbers.
Regarding pots we should need more time to list them all since you know the rich range of Plastecnic pots. But let’s talk about the best sellers’ items that are the most suitable for the vegetable gardens 😊
For those who have more space availability, we suggest you to use balcony boxes, big planters and flower trays.
The small pots of the Mood Line collection are also a good suggestion and they are a successful solution. They are supplied in small sizes, with bottoms that can be drilled and they are available in many colors and they are very functional.
The Tower pot belongs to this collection and it is an ideal solution for vegetable gardens! Different colors, mat finish surface, they are modular and stackable, ideal for vertical compositions. This pot has been projected with drainage holes for excess water and it is equipped with overflow turrets.
This pot is very functional and it also offers a wellness setting 😍 A small vegetable garden allows us to “refresh” our home with a green corner.
And then … what about the pleasure of following your plants step by step in their growth?
Finally, about vegetable garden, don’t miss the video we uploaded in our Ig page!