Home 9 Inspiration 9 Our intentions for the year 2023!

Our intentions for the year 2023!

20/12/2022 | Inspiration

Dear Santa Claus…

Who, especially as a child, hasn’t written letters to him???? 😁
But then, you become adult and over the course of time and age, these letters are changing 👉 they are appearing different but their meaning remain the same 😎.
When the new year is coming, it is the time when you are making new plans, there is the desire for change, the intention to achieve new goals.
We are living this moment of “good intentions” in Plastecnic too and our desire is to do better and better and always more for our customers, for all the green lovers who want to test our products, for the end-consumers who have known us for over 60 years and they are still following us.

These are our intentions for the new coming year:

1. Improve our business and in the same time keep on protecting the environment by respecting that so common word but unfortunately often forgotten in our everyday life: sustainability. The attention to the management and the reuse of plastic, the introduction of more sustainable equipment (a new injection molding machine will be available in the first months of the new year) are extremely important for us. (Read here to know more…).

2. We will focus our attention to the well-being of the people who “give life” to our products … because there would be no pots without the people who work for their realization every day: from design to creation, from the distribution to the final use of them.
ETHICAL SUSTAINABILITY. We often like to use this expression inside and outside the Company: 2023 will also be the year in which we will intensify our collaborations withschools. We’re planning sustainable projects for a green concept. ❤️

3. New products, new colors will – finally – enter the market … but be careful 👉 don’t miss this content 😍

In short … 2023 we are waiting for you!
… Let’s follow us.
Our followers increase and a creation of a real community are other fundamental goals for us to be achieved in 2023.

What do you think? Are you there? 😎


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