If we say cyclamen, what do you think about? What comes to your mind? 😊
Our thoughts go to a quote from Mulan (who does not know Mulan? 😁)
“The flower that blossoms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all”
And do you know why?
Because cyclamen is just like that 👉 a flower that has something rare: it blooms in the cold wind temperature but it resists the weather and frost. And yet…it is one of the most beautiful ornamental flowers with its colorful and resistant petals! The history of the cyclamen is full of beliefs and curiosities. Let’s think that in ancient times it was believed it could protect against evil spells and for this reason you could find it in many homes. Today cyclamen is a beautiful gift that is often given to pregnant women, because it means protection and good luck 🌟
Characteristics of cyclamen 🌸
Cyclamen has Mediterranean origins, and it belongs to the Primulaceae family. It is an indoor and outdoor ornamental plant, recognizable by the scented flowers with a 5-petals corolla.
Its flowers mainly bloom in the winter season until March, but if the plant is cultivated correctly its flowering is continuous. Cyclamen is a plant that needs light, but it is good to keep it away from heat sources such as stoves or radiators. It is a plant that needs regular watering but be careful to avoid water stagnation.
How do we take care of our cyclamen? 🌸Cyclamen are plants that tolerate the cold but they are not resistant to frost. For this reason they can be grown in your garden only if we are sure that temperatures are not going below zero. In this case, it is recommended to grow them in pots (Plastecnic pots of course) in order to be able to easily move the plant to cool but less cold places during the winter evenings.
A truly characteristic plant 🤩 The intense green and heart-shaped leaves make the cyclamen immediately recognizable, also thanks to the petals facing upwards, and we could not imagine it like this 👉 in a cherry red Mymood Pot 🌱